Project 1!

Windows Server 2022: This is a recycled HP Office computer, which I put x2 SSD's in, and x2 HDD's in. One of the HDD's is running as a mirrored backup drive. This server used to be using the Linux-based OS, TrueNAS, however it kept having issues with the BOOT partition, so I switched over to Windows Server 2022. It now runs a multitude for services for me. I use it to store backups of photos, phones and videos. I use JellyFIn to host and transcode video to my TV and devices.

Project 2!

This website has been a project in and of itself, as I have had to learn HTML, CSS, and (hopefully soon) JavaScript! It is hosted on GitPages to protect my IP and not expose my server to the public Internet. As it is a static site, all I needed to do was link my domain to my GitPages, and everything worked flawlessly.

Project Script Index

This Powershell Script was created to automate many functions that I would need to perform at my IT Specialist Role. This was my first time working with Powershell to such a degree, and I had to self-teach myself a lot! It has features such as downloading drivers and launching their installations. I was working on silent installations as well, but this project had to be scrapped due to pushback from leadership.